Natural and Organic Soaps

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Egyptian Geranium with French Rose Clay Cocoa Butter and Rose Petals

Tea Tree Copaiba with with Shea Butter and Brazlian Almond Oil

Sea Kelp with Chamomile Herb and Cocoa butter

Butter milk is richer in fats and emollients than whole milk. For centuries, milk has been used as a natural, soothing skin cleanser and skin softener. This gentle and soft soap is made with buttermilk, a natural, soothing skin cleanser and moisturizer.We add honey ,which calms irritated skin and adds moisturizes to the skin

Our goat milk soaps are famous for their high-quality natural ingredients and its 100% fresh goat's milk, not dried powder milk. This one has not only goat's milk, we added oatmeal to provide an exfoliating and honey added to complement the moisturizing qualities.

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