With its different species and various uses, all could be beneficial to health as Lavender which is part of the Labiatae family, has long been used extensively in herbal medicine. The English lavender or Lavandula angustifolia highly yields an effective essential oil with a very sweet aroma. This extract may be utilized as an ointment, balm, fragrance, make up ingredient, tea, compress and many other significant applications. The essential oil that yields from French lavender or Lavandula dentata, has a higher content of ester which adds a stronger tinge to the scent. The Spanish lavender or Lavandula stoechas is not used in medicine; it is utilized mainly for landscaping purposes.
Lavender oil is an essential oil, derived from plants by the steam distillation of the flowers. Lavender is a native of the Mediterranean countries but the main source of Lavender is France. Its essential extract is used in aromatherapy for its antiseptic, healing, antispasmodic, bactericidal, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. In World War I, this essential extract was used in hospitals to disinfect the surroundings. Prior to the Greeks and Romans discovered that lavender does not just give a delightful scent but that this flower's oil was also found to be a perfect ingredient for so many home-making chores. It kills germs and can be used in a diffuser to purify the air and reduce the spread of colds and viruses. This is the safest essential oil to use for babies and children, but of course it should still be properly diluted with carrier oil such as Sweet Almond, Avocado or Grapeseed.
Lavender essential oil is excellent for the skin and adding its extract to soaps and bathwater gives off a fresh fragrance. It also helps repair skin problems while making the skin feel invigorated. With both antiseptic and sedative properties, this highly aromatic oil refreshes and tones the skin. Because of its soothing capabilities of the nerves and due to its high ester content, it is said to calm nervous heart complaints.
Lavender oil can be used topically to moisturize and revitalize the skin's dermal layer as this flower's extract is used for treating all sorts of skin disorders. Examples of these are blisters, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, cold sores, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, and parasites such as lice. It is also used to counter the itching effect of insect bites and stings a traditional treatment of such skin disorders in Iran.
Other possible uses include acne, allergies, anxiety, asthma, athlete's foot, bruises, burns, chicken pox, colic, colds, cuts, cystitis, depression, dermatitis, dysmenorrheal, earache, flatulence, flu, headache, hypertension, heal burns and wounds, insect repellent, insomnia, itching, labour pains, migraine, nervousness, oily skin, rheumatism, sensitive skin, scabies, scars, sores, sprains, strains, stress, stretch marks, sunburns, reduce cramps, vertigo and whooping cough. This flower also embraces the female health and as previously stated has a healing effect on the skin, which prevents scaring and balances the tone. To use Lavender in this manner a tea is created to alleviate ailments or dropped as an essential oil to heal burns and skin infections.
Lavender tea has a lot of uses for the body. Drinking lavender tea is an accepted remedy for headaches. It also soothes upset stomachs and eases up bowel movements. Cooled lavender tea is also an effective mouthwash as it doesn't only leave a wonderful scent but also draw a smile on the face. To make a lavender tea, immerse two tablespoons of dried lavender flowers in one litre of hot water. This may also be applied to treat bruises or wounds. The warmth and the antiseptic qualities of the flower combine to help heal the wound. This can be done as a compress by dipping strips of dressing cloth or sanitized linen in the warm liquid until it can be applied on the bruised or wounded areas of the skin. Moreover, this flower's extract could help ease the pain of sunburn and sunstroke.
Chest congestion can be treated with a warm lavender tea compress. By placing a warm compress of the tea on top of the chest, it could bring relief to the patient. It can also ease up breathing by inhaling the vapour of lavender. To do this, place the newly boiled lavender tea in a basin then cover it and the patients' head with a bath towel allowing the patient to inhale the steam. This would make the patient absorb the scent to clear the airways from the nose to the lungs.
Lavender oil is one of the most favorite essential oils not only because of its wonderful qualities but also because of its great smell. Its calming and relaxing scent helps to combat stress and anxiety and can also be used as an anti-depressant for treating apprehension and depression. Its aroma has a soothing effect on the physical and mental stability of a person, as it is also superb for helping with asthma and migraines.
This flower's soothing properties are very well known for people who are stressed. Soaking in lavender scented bath is extremely comforting and rejuvenating. While cleansing and energizing the skin, the weariness of the day may just drift away. This flower is commonly used to facilitate sleep and relaxation in aromatherapy as it helps people sleep and be refreshed the next day shunning away the troubles of the past day.
Feel your tension and anxiety melt away with this soothing scent while its relaxing fragrance promotes a peaceful sleep. For a serene night's sleep placing a bag of lavender buds under the pillow or a few drops of the essential oil on the pillow will create a soothing fragrance that can help calm anyone at the end of the day. A recommended relaxing and calming Lavender tea drink before bedtime can be made from steeping one teaspoon of lavender flower heads added to a cup of boiling water. These combined will help achieve a peaceful night's sleep.
Lavender oil has been one of the most favorite essential oils not only or its breathtaking scent but also for its healing and flavorful properties.
bluebasins bath & body is a new online all natural skin care product company which uses Lavender Essential Oil in a variety of their products. They can be found at http://www.naturalhandcraftedsoap.com
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